
Five Women: Recipients of the Grace of God”

Mercy and Grace.  We hear these two words so often that, if not careful, we can take them for granted. Mercy is “God not giving us what we deserve”.  Grace is “God giving us what we do not deserve”.  Salvation is, of course, an act of God’s mercy and grace.  He takes away what we deserve ( eternal damnation and separation from God ) and gives us what we don’t deserve ( forgiveness of our sin nature and all sins [past, present, future] – and a home in Heaven with Him for all eternity ).  Understand,  we have no hope without the mercy and grace of Almighty God.  The element of Grace is demonstrated time and again throughout the Word of God.  And one of the most magnificent thrust of His grace is seen in the lives of five women in the Bible.

In Matthew’s Gospel the Spirit is chronicling the genealogy of the Lord Jesus.  Included in the list of the tree of Jesus are the names of five women – key parts, figures, persons – essential, critical biblical characters who are at the core of the human avenue through which the Heavenly Father would direct His Son to pass to make entrance into the realm of human existence.  And, even though at first glance we might be shocked to learn of the disreputable traits that were evident in their lives, we can see some of the most blessed acts of God’s grace in all humanity.  These five women are Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary.

Let’s look at them:

Tamar, the daughter-in-law of Judah, had begun a widow when her husband, Judah’s son, died.  Shamefully in ancient culture she was childless.  Judah had passed her onto another son, her brother-in-law,  with the hope that she might bear a son by him (permitted in Deut. 25).  Tamar’s brother-in-law refused her any relationship.  Judah would not give Tamar to any of his other sons. So Tamar disguised herself as a harlot and seduced Judah. Through him, she became the mother of Perez – in the lineage of Jesus.

Rahab was an harlot who lived in Jericho. She hid the spies of Joshua. Because of this, the Israelites spared her life when they conquered Jericho. She later became the wife of Salmon, and the mother of Boaz – in the lineage of Jesus.

Ruth was a gentile from the land of Moab. she followed and worship the false gods of the Moabites. She intermarried with the son of Naomi and Elimilech.  Naomi journeyed to Israel after her family died. Ruth’s devotion was extraordinary. She left her own country to follow Naomi. While in Israel, Ruth was married to Boaz, one of Naomi’s relatives, and  became the mother of Obed, the grandfather of David the King  – in the lineage of Jesus.

Bathsheba was the wife of Uriah the Hittite, who was a soldier in the army of King David.  She and David had an adulterous affair. David sent Uriah back into battle, setting up his death.  He then took Bathsheba as his own wife. Bathsheba later became the mother of Solomon  – in the lineage of Jesus.

Mary was the mother of Jesus and the wife of Joseph. She was a virgin when Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. It was said of her that she had found “favor with God.”  – the earthly mother of Jesus.

Five women, names for ever etched in eternal history, key persons in the auspicious list of those chosen, allowed, tapped for spirit significance  as so very few would be, and, yet, the greatest reason they are on the list is not their special personalities, not their unique talents, not their physical comeliness, not their philanthropic natures.  They are on that list only because of the GRACE OF GOD!   Insignificance as to their cultural exposure,  their personal choices, their racial background, their religious history, their moral failures; and yet, God’s grace reached out to them with His incredible message of forgiveness and promise.  Thrillingly, they threw themselves on the grace of God and received His loving gift of eternal life.  God continued to show His love toward them by giving them an opportunity to serve Him.

God is still in the “Grace” business.  He entreats us to come to Him because He is the way, the truth, and the life.  (John 14:6).  And, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  (Rom. 10:13).

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